Vivamus | VRChat Avatar PC+Quest
Vivamus, son of Lucian.
Uses VRCHAT SDK3 - Avatars.
- Both PC and Quest ready models.
- Facial Expressions
- GoGo Loco
- (PC Only due to Quest audio limitation) Silly Otamatone mode that can be toggled on and off, triggered by tugging the "tail" of the head.
- (PC Only) Snail Marker
If you encounter any issues, please contact my Twitter or Discord.
- Shader Dependancy (or your model will be pink)
- VRChat SDK3 - Avatars
You are expected to know how to upload the model yourself. You will be provided a zip file that includes a unity package with all the assets. Open the respective scene file of the avatar and upload it as you would with any other avatar.
Please ensure that you extract the zip first!
By purchasing and using this item you agree to these TOU/Rules and that they may change at any point without notification.
Vivamus, the character of which the model is depicting is fully owned by TrixxedHeart.
The "model" includes all data created by the creator within the file.
■ Permitted Use
- VRChat Avatars
- Use for streaming or recording within VRChat
- Modifications or "Edits"
- Porting to other games
■ Prohibited Use
- Redistribution. (Regardless if it was modified or not, includes avatar pedestals or uploading publicly)
- Absolutely no adult/NSFW edits or content, the depicted character is a minor.
- Making products based upon the depicted character's likeness.
- Using these models for religious, political, or anything that may make another uncomfortable or is deemed inappropriate is prohibited.
- Claiming that the depicted character is of your own creation.
The Creator(TrixxedHeart) of this model may disallow all use of the model and its files if the user violates the terms.
- GoGo Loco by Franada
- Snail's Marker
- Otamatone Sound is from my beloved Otamatone
- Menu Icons
You will get the files for the model + a .UnityPackage